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I. Avodah shebaLev (Prayer of the Heart )  with Romemu Yeshiva, Begins Monday, Nov. 9!

            Mondays Nov 9 - Dec 21, 12-1:15pm EST/ 9-10:15 PST


Prayer, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, is avodah shebalev, the service of the heart. R. Abraham Joshua Heschel calls prayer “a microcosm of the soul.” How can a book filled with prayers other people wrote be a pathway to the individual, idiosyncratic Jewish soul? At each session, we will explore a prayer from the siddur (Jewish prayer book), looking to see where the words came from, what they mean, and whether/how they work.  Sometimes, we'll sing them, too. 


Okay to join anytime!  More information and registration here:

II. Rest as Release: Shmita with Urban Adamah, Monday night, November 9, 7-8:30 PM  Pacific 


Cycles of Rest: Exploring Torah on the mechanics of the rhythms of life, work, and rest. In this interactive session, we will explore ancient and contemporary wisdom, including works such as those by Adrienne Marie BrownRobin Wall Kimmerer, and the Hassidic tradition to see how they can help us lead sustainable and creative lives of meaning and community.

Registration and more information here:

III. Makor Or Hanukah Meditation , Sunday, Dec. 13, 10 AM-5 PM, Pacific


Sharing the Darkness and the Light: Hanukkah Meditation Retreat with Norman Fischer


Hanukah is a festival of rededicating ourselves to holy purpose. Join Norman Fischer and Rabbi Dorothy Richman for a day-long soak in Jewish meditation practice, prayer, and learning. Sit, sing, learn, and walk with an open heart. Connect deeply to yourself, to the Divine, and to the texts and rituals of Hanukkah. Candle-lighting and singing, included.

Registration and more information here: 

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